Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlords withdraw eviction application against Greely tenants for breach of previous LTB order.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lockout and harassment, as tenant had vacated unit and rented to unauthorized occupants without landlord's consent.
Tenant awarded $18,783 and landlord fined $7,000 for illegal lockout, harassment, and interference with reasonable enjoyment in Cobourg rental dispute.
Uxbridge tenants awarded $2,848 after landlord found to harass, interfere with their rental unit.
North York landlord ordered to pay $6,792 and $10,000 fine for illegally locking out tenants.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies despite landlord's claim of exemption in Tanritanir v Charmchi case.
Landlords withdraw eviction application against Greely tenants for breach of previous LTB order.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lockout and harassment, as tenant had vacated unit and rented to unauthorized occupants without landlord's consent.
Tenant awarded $18,783 and landlord fined $7,000 for illegal lockout, harassment, and interference with reasonable enjoyment in Cobourg rental dispute.
Uxbridge tenants awarded $2,848 after landlord found to harass, interfere with their rental unit.
North York landlord ordered to pay $6,792 and $10,000 fine for illegally locking out tenants.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies despite landlord's claim of exemption in Tanritanir v Charmchi case.
Landlords withdraw eviction application against Greely tenants for breach of previous LTB order.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lockout and harassment, as tenant had vacated unit and rented to unauthorized occupants without landlord's consent.
Tenant awarded $18,783 and landlord fined $7,000 for illegal lockout, harassment, and interference with reasonable enjoyment in Cobourg rental dispute.
Uxbridge tenants awarded $2,848 after landlord found to harass, interfere with their rental unit.
North York landlord ordered to pay $6,792 and $10,000 fine for illegally locking out tenants.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies despite landlord's claim of exemption in Tanritanir v Charmchi case.
Landlords withdraw eviction application against Greely tenants for breach of previous LTB order.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lockout and harassment, as tenant had vacated unit and rented to unauthorized occupants without landlord's consent.
Tenant awarded $18,783 and landlord fined $7,000 for illegal lockout, harassment, and interference with reasonable enjoyment in Cobourg rental dispute.
Uxbridge tenants awarded $2,848 after landlord found to harass, interfere with their rental unit.
North York landlord ordered to pay $6,792 and $10,000 fine for illegally locking out tenants.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies despite landlord's claim of exemption in Tanritanir v Charmchi case.
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Landlord Win Rate: 22.22%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 16.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 60%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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